File under game to play on future steam deck purchase?
I’ve converged on this for most of my trips but with 2 bottoms instead of 3.

I’ve always thought that it was the warmer (relatively) utility water that made dripping faucets so effective. But I actually appreciate this framework better.
You’re Letting Your Faucets Drip Wrong in Winter
When the water in your pipes freezes, it expands, stressing your pipe. If you have all the faucets closed when the water starts to melt, it will have nowhere to go, so it will soon create somewhere to go. Having a faucet open gives that water a release point, which can save your pipes.
After 2 decades, E3 expo is finally over. It was fun while it lasted and a bit overdue. Things that contributed to the curtain call: social media platforms, annual Apple event culture, Nintendo Direct. After more than two decades of E3, each one bigger than the last,the time has come to say goodbye.
What to Blog About When You Don’t Know What to Blog About
I did not know there was a NaNoBloPoMo. Neat.
Posting Derek Guy’s chino recommendation here for later reference
Basic: J Crew relaxed fit Tailored: Rota at No Man Walks Alone or The Armoury Workwear: Left Field, 3sixteen, or RRL
Spun up a Mastodon
Since this post will eventually disappear from my front page, I wonder if I’ll lose my verified status down the line
Found a garter snake outside 🐍

Annual statements are bloated with filler words distracting from company’s results ! Haven’t read the paper yet but would like to try their methodology for summaries. I can’t imagine the prompt to be too hard? Eg “Summarize this by section”
Bloated Disclosures: Can ChatGPT Help Investors Process Information?
Useful phrases for disagreement from a Jefferson Fisher video
I take another approach
I see things differently
I tend to lean the opposite
Will this trigger a webmention ?
🚗 The ability to stall an EV with fake manual transmissions sounds fun
The lurch, the dying of the engine sound, and the red flashing of the gear indicator all came down to software. It’s all simulated, all fake, but it made me laugh just the same.
Toyota has built an EV with a fake transmission, and we’ve driven it
Will this post trigger a webmention ? :) Making Webmentions look more conversational
🎃🦖 Halloween Dino

Nice article on “Return on Capital Investment”
Strategy =/= Planning
“Strategy is the making of an integrated set of choices that collectively position the firm in its industry so as to create sustainable advantage relative to competition and deliver superior financial returns”
“That strategy is a singular thing; there is one strategy for a given business — not a set of strategies. It is one integrated set of choices: what is our winning aspiration; where will we play; how will we win; what capabilities need to be in place; and what management systems must be instituted?”
🎮 Need this metal gear solid cologne
Very nice to see activitypub being adopted available across all WP plans even free ones. Was thinking of setting a WP for technical blog posts.