🎃🦖 Halloween Dino

Nice article on “Return on Capital Investment”
Strategy =/= Planning
“Strategy is the making of an integrated set of choices that collectively position the firm in its industry so as to create sustainable advantage relative to competition and deliver superior financial returns”
“That strategy is a singular thing; there is one strategy for a given business — not a set of strategies. It is one integrated set of choices: what is our winning aspiration; where will we play; how will we win; what capabilities need to be in place; and what management systems must be instituted?”
🎮 Need this metal gear solid cologne
Very nice to see activitypub being adopted available across all WP plans even free ones. Was thinking of setting a WP for technical blog posts.
✈️🗺️ First time really spending time in Colorado

Fun read on leaving the vents open
I’m pretty fed up with Brokerage/freelancer companies that masquerade as owner operators. I’ve used a plumbing and lawncare one respectively and both have been lacking. There isn’t a sense of ownership or responsibility. Even the text in emails from these companies seems distanced e.g. “your crew member is not able to make it today” as opposed to “we messed up and we are making this right”.
milk is pretty amazing
> “…to consider only milk’s nutrient constituents—to imply that it has a single recipe—is to do it “a disservice,” German told me. Mammalian milk is a manifestation of hundreds of millions of years of evolutionary tinkering that have turned it into a diet, and a developmental stimulus, and a conduit for maternal-infant communication, and a passive vaccine. It builds organs, fine-tunes metabolism, and calibrates immunity; it paints some of an infant’s first portraits of its mother, and telegraphs chemical signals to the microbes that live inside the gut. Milk can sustain echidnas that hatch from eggs, and wildebeest that can gallop within hours of birth; it can support newborn honey possums that weigh just three milligrams at birth, and blue-whale calves clocking in at up to 20 tons. Among some primates, it influences infants’ playfulness, and may shape their sleep habits and bias them toward certain foods. Some of its ingredients are found nowhere else in nature; others are indigestible, still others are alive”
[The Atlantic] (https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/06/milk-mammalian-evolution-nutrition/674487/)
Are webmentions and activitypub the same thing?
I asked ChatGPT4 if webmentions and activity pub are the same thing. A fun little writeup for a newbie.
Webmentions and ActivityPub are both related to the idea of decentralizing the social web and enabling more interoperability and interaction between different websites¹. However, they are not the same thing, and they have different purposes and features.Webmentions are a simple protocol for notifying a website when another website links to it². They can be used to display comments, likes, replies, or other types of interactions on the linked page. Webmentions are based on HTTP requests and do not require any specific data format or vocabulary².
ActivityPub is a more complex protocol for creating, updating, and deleting content, as well as delivering notifications and content between different servers³. It can be used to support various types of social network activities, such as following, posting, sharing, or blocking. ActivityPub is based on the ActivityStreams 2.0 data format and vocabulary, and it uses JSON-LD for representing objects and activities³.
Webmentions and ActivityPub can be used together or separately, depending on the needs and preferences of the website owners and users. Some websites use Webmentions to receive interactions from other websites, while using ActivityPub to send interactions to other servers. Some websites use ActivityPub to federate with other platforms that support the same protocol, while using Webmentions to communicate with platforms that do not. Some websites use both protocols to maximize their reach and engagement⁴.
There are also some efforts to bridge the gap between Webmentions and ActivityPub, such as using tools like Bridgy Fed or LDN to convert notifications from one protocol to another⁵. These tools can help increase the compatibility and interoperability between different social web protocols. However, they may also introduce some challenges or limitations, such as data loss, duplication, or inconsistency⁵.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 6/20/2023 (1) Social Web Protocols - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). (2) [ActivityPub is the next big thing in social networks] (https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/20/23689570/activitypub-protocol-standard-social-network) (3) [ActivityPub - IndieWeb] (https://indieweb.org/ActivityPub) (4) [ActivityPub - Wikipedia] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActivityPub) (5) [Social Web Incubator Community Group]( https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG. https://www.w3.org/2023/03/29-social-minutes.html)
lost Jdilla tape pitchfork.com/features/…
Stardust Tutorial - Nat king Cole - Guitar Chords
Wonderful straight ahead arrangement.
12 piece capsule wardrobe from WSJ. No too shabby.
On Decluttering
“One of her most popular strategies is “five things tidying,” the idea that there are only five things in any room: trash, dishes, laundry, things with a place and things without a place. Focusing on one category at a time keeps her from getting overwhelmed when it seems like there are a hundred different items that need to be put away”
Link: architectural Sketching lessons